Sunday 20 April 2014

How To Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

The Summer sun is scorching and the heat is becoming unbearable each day. From sitting in an air conditioned room to wearing our lightest clothes outside, we are taking those steps to feel as cool as possible. Summers are also hard on our furry friends though they can't do much about it. So, here are a few tips to beat the heat this summer and keep it cool for your dog.

1) Leave a fan on somewhere in front of which he can sit when he feels like. If he sits in a particular room, leave the air conditioner on.

2) We know your dog looks fashionable in his new shirt, but keep clothes at bay in the summer. Their natural coats are more than they need. 

3) Dogs drink more water in the summers. Keep the bowls full all the time and make sure it is fresh. Cold water is good too.

4) Look up online for some pet friendly summer treats that you can make at home. Some vanilla ice cream, now and then, won't do any harm. If nothing else, ice cubes are refreshing, too.

5) Limit his walks to early mornings and late evenings. This is when the sun's heat won't warm up the ground and cause your pet's paws to burn.

6) Take him swimming! Find out about local pet friendly pools or take him to a pet friendly beach. Most dogs love to swim and this is the perfect season for it.

7) If your dog has a thick or long coat, trim it. It will make him feel much lighter and therefore, more comfortable and active. 

8) Don't leave your dog inside your car, even for a few minutes. The temperatures inside closed cars can prove fatal to them.

9) Watch out for heatstroke. Symptoms include panting, lethargy, drooling, vomiting and collapse. If you think he is showing these signs, contact your vet ASAP. 

10) Summer usually means staying inside the house and under a fan all day, but it doesn't have to be so. Take your dog to a park in the evenings where he can run loose and play. Mud is comforting and cooling, though messy once he's back home.

Hope you found this helpful. Don't forget to leave comments and feedback! :)

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