Saturday 29 March 2014

STOP & READ - by Sarvesh Akolkar

First of all, a simple question to you - Are you an animal lover? 
If yes, are you planning to buy any animal to keep it as your pet ?

Think about it..!!

It is a commitment of around 15 - 20 years and there is no point in making the animal's suffering by not fulfilling that commitment.

If you are ready to fulfill the commitment, then you are ready to get a pet of your own.

Now, have you thought of buying one?
Instead, why don't you do the noble deed by adopting one and saving a life?

If you are adopting, then why not an Indian one?

Here are some of the reasons why one should adopt a Indian stray dog and there by saving atleast one life and taking it off the street.

Indian dogs are born and brought up here itself in India so they are well acquainted with the
environment. So, unlike other foreign breeds like GSD , St.Bernad , Collie and other heavy coated animals they do not need intensive care, air conditioning, special medicines, grooming and other expensive bills to add to your monthly bills.

It is wrong perception that Indian dogs are not meant to be kept as pets. That they need an open environment to live in and all sorts of rumors such as these…..WRONG!
Just like other dogs and puppies they can and need to be brought up in a caring and correct manner, that's all. Also there is a wrong concept that Indian dogs are not loyal.
Each and every dog is loyal to the one who cares for it (in other words its owner).
It is my own experience that if u nurture any dog he will be loyal with u for rest of its life..!!

Do u support racism….??
Think well before answering.
I am talking about racism in a broader sense i.e. I’m including animals also in it !!
If it’s illegal to discriminate any one on the basis of color then how can we humans support creating differences in animals on the basis of breed?? Is it correct?
It’s said that all are equal before nature.
Right now we are facing the problem of global warming just because we went against the law of nature…. Then why should one again go against nature and discriminate these beautiful creatures by their breed …?? And make each and every one suffer??? Is this correct???

Its true that there are some benefits of breeding like specialization of some dogs to execute a particular task and attain excellence..!! But is that excellence necessary for us in our day to day life or do u just want a pet who can even guard you…?? And if you choose to go for excellence then shouldn't you be excellent too??
Is it ethically correct to genetically modify you to create a perfect human being?
Also, along with a few benefits just look at the ill effects on these animals due to improper breeding.

Some examples are

Bulldogs (suffers from problems like low stamina and breathlessness if made to do a lot of exercise)

Dachshunds (suffers from back problems and numerous leg problems like weak hind legs arthritis in old age and also unable to walk if its weight increases)

Just think of the ill effects that man has introduced in these animals for the sake of his greedy and selfish needs !!

When asked, people say that they are buying a dog just because they like dogs, they are an animal lover.
So aren’t the dogs on Indian streets dogs?? 
If you are an animal lover then how can you tolerate those street dogs suffering from road accidents, inhumane people poisoning them…??

An example of that is the Kerla case
Please watch this video for more details -

From Sarvesh Akolkar -

I’m sorry If hurt any one in this article please don’t take it personally please
Images obtained through Google search.

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